It is essential for us to respect the privacy of all of our customers and users. We take your safety online seriously. In order to better serve you and to help you understand how we use your information on our site, we have explained our privacy policies in the following paragraphs.

We collect information about you.

We believe it’s important for you to understand the types of information we collect whenever you visit our site. This information may include your email address, name or business name, street address, Postcode City, Country, and telephone number. We collect this information in several different ways; for instance we make use of cookies that can be used to collect and aggregate non-personally identifiable information about the visitors to our web site. Personally identifiable information includes data that is specific to you, like a the number of your credit card and bank account numbers. The data is unique to you.

2.The use of information

Please help us to make this website easier for you to use by not having to enter information more than once.

Find information, products and services quickly.

Help us develop material for our site that’s most appropriate to your interests.

Alerts you to any new services, products or other information that we can provide.

Registration and Ordering

During the registration process during the registration process, we’ll ask you for your name and address (shipping and billing) telephone number, e-mail address and the number of your credit card. Along with your gender, we may ask about your location so we can comply to any applicable laws. These kinds of information are used for billing, fulfilling your orders, communicating with customers regarding their purchase and the site and for internal marketing. If we run into problems during the process of your purchase, we will contact you using the information that you have given us.

Email Addresses

When you sign up, you’ll be able to place an order and receiving free promotional notices; we notify you whenever we get the latest brand, or a new style of product; to be notified of special offers, you simply sign up to our newsletter via email. You decide whether to take part in the contest, or provide any information.

3. Privacy is a matter of concern

As part of our work, we don’t lease (or sell) personal data. We use the most recent encryption technologies, and our employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements which prohibit the disclosure to anyone or any entity any information that they have had access.

What kind of email do you want to send to the customer?

Email content sent to our customers can include the following information:

Transaction mail, shipping notification, Weekly deal Promotion, Activity.

Email newsletters and other promotions:

We use email to communicate information and special promotions to members. By clicking the unsubscribe link on the email will take you off from our mailing list at no any cost.

How can I unsubscribe?

Unsubscribe from the newsletter using the link included in every email you receive, or by changing your subscribe settings following login.